With rapid bounds
three bitches caught me
fast in their teeth:
- from Blóðhófnir (Bloodhoof) by Gerður Kristný
With rapid bounds
three bitches caught me
fast in their teeth:
- from Blóðhófnir (Bloodhoof) by Gerður Kristný
HEBRIDES. Friday 27 August 1993. Southwesterly 3, increasing 4 or 5, occasionally 6. Drizzle with rain later. Good becoming moderate with fog patches. © Mark Power | Magnum Photos
Berserks Biting a Shield, by Gerhard Munthe (1849-1929). Vignette for Kongesagaer, Gustav Storm 's Norwegian translation of Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla.
The things a virus makes you do: I rewatched ‘Rawhead Rex’ the other day, which was filmed in Wicklow in 1986 and which is as endearingly shitty as I remembered it. Must have been at least 20 years since I last watched it, potentially during a Clive Barker/Books of Blood phase.